Package be.ugent.caagt.swirl

Various simple classes that do not fit into one of the other packages of this library.


Interface Summary
GenericSelectionModel<E> Model which keeps track of a single element selected from a group.

Class Summary
ActionRepeater Provides a means of repeating an action as long as a certain button is pressed.
DefaultGenericSelectionModel<E> A default implementation of GenericSelectionModel.
GenericSelectionGroup<E> Acts like a button group with associated generic selection model for type E.
SelectionGroup Acts like a button group with associated single selection model.
SelectOnFocusGained Focus listener which automatically selects the contents of a text component when it gains focus.
StandardButtons Helper class which allows creation of 'standard' buttons (OK, Cancel, ...) with captions and mnemonics retrieved from the user interface manager.
SwirlUtilities General Swing or SWIRL related methods.

Package be.ugent.caagt.swirl Description

Various simple classes that do not fit into one of the other packages of this library. See documentation of each individual class for more information.