be.ugent.caagt.swirl Various simple classes that do not fit into one of the other packages of this library.
be.ugent.caagt.swirl.actions Provides support for standard Swing actions.
be.ugent.caagt.swirl.dialogs Provides simple dialog windows with slightly more possibilities than the standard JOptionPane dialogs.
be.ugent.caagt.swirl.dnd Provides drag and drop of Java objects within the same virtual machine.
be.ugent.caagt.swirl.lists Provides a new type of list (a cell list) and a generic list model.
be.ugent.caagt.swirl.logging Provides a window that displays the log messages sent to the standard Java logging system.
be.ugent.caagt.swirl.menus Provides XML-based configuration of buttons and menus.
be.ugent.caagt.swirl.mouse Provides mouse overlay panels which enable different mouse 'tools' to be associated with a single panel.
be.ugent.caagt.swirl.subwindows Provides subwindow components that look a bit like a window, and that can be 'collapsed' by clicking on it.
be.ugent.caagt.swirl.tables Provides a way to add small decorations (buttons or icons) to the column headers of a table.
be.ugent.caagt.swirl.undoredo Provides a simple framework for registering and activating undoable (and redoable) actions with a central undo manager.