Package be.ugent.caagt.swirl.undoredo

Provides a simple framework for registering and activating undoable (and redoable) actions with a central undo manager.


Interface Summary
UndoableChange An object of this type describes the change made by an interactive command and provides sufficient information for that change to be undone and redone.
UndoListener Listens to changes in the state of an UndoManager.

Class Summary
RedoAction Action which reverts the last undo effected by the corresponding undo manager.
UndoAction Action which undoes the last change registered with the corresponding undo manager.
UndoManager Manages a list of changes of type UndoableChange.
UndoRedoAction Common super class for UndoAction and RedoAction

Package be.ugent.caagt.swirl.undoredo Description

Provides a simple framework for registering and activating undoable (and redoable) actions with a central undo manager.