Class UndoManager

  extended by be.ugent.caagt.swirl.undoredo.UndoManager

public class UndoManager
extends java.lang.Object

Manages a list of changes of type UndoableChange. Allows changes of this type to be undone and redone. Listeners can be registered with this manager and will be notified whenever a change has been undone or redone.

Changes come in logical groups. A single call to undoLast() or redoLast() always undoes or redoes one group at the time. Groups are constructed by merging subsequent changes with the leader of the group. The leader also determines the caption for the undo and redo buttons of the entire group. If this is not the desired behaviour an extra dummy change (with trivial undo and redo operations and the desired captions) can be used as a leader.

Additionally the manager can be used to keep track of whether the state of the managed data is dirty, i.e., whether important information would be lost if the application would be aborted without saving. This is done by marking the manager state (i.e., the index of the current change in the list) when a save operation has just completed. If at a later time the current index position is different from the marked index position, the state of the data should be considered dirty. Registered listeners will also be notified whenever the mark changes.

Note: For this simple mark strategy to be valid, you must make sure that every action which changes the managed data is registered with the undo manager and that actions which do not change the data in a significant way, are not.

Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
Method Summary
 void add(UndoableChange change, boolean leader)
          Register an undoable change with the manager.
 void addUndoListener(UndoListener l)
          Register a listener with this object.
 boolean canRedo()
          Are there currently any changes that can be redone?
 boolean canUndo()
          Are there currently any changes that can be undone?
 void clear()
          Clear the list of undoable commands.
protected  void fireUndoStateChanged()
          Notify all listeners of a change to the undo state.
 java.lang.String getRedoCaption()
          Return the caption for a redo button.
 java.lang.String getUndoCaption()
          Return the caption for an undo button.
 boolean isDirty()
          Check whether the current index position is different from the mark.
 void redoLast()
          Redo the last group of commands which was previously undone.
 void removeUndoListener(UndoListener l)
          Unregister a listener with this object.
 void setMark()
          Put the mark at the current index position.
 void undoLast()
          Undo te last group of commands.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public UndoManager()
Default constructor.

Method Detail


public boolean canUndo()
Are there currently any changes that can be undone?


public boolean canRedo()
Are there currently any changes that can be redone?


public void setMark()
Put the mark at the current index position. Typically this is done just after the managed data has been saved.


public boolean isDirty()
Check whether the current index position is different from the mark. If true, the managed data should probably be considered in a dirty state.


public void add(UndoableChange change,
                boolean leader)
Register an undoable change with the manager.

leader - If true, the call will start a new group of which the given element becomes the leader. If false the given undoable change will be appended to the current group.


public void clear()
Clear the list of undoable commands.


public void undoLast()
Undo te last group of commands. Commands are undone in reverse order of registration: the leader of the group will be undone last.


public void redoLast()
Redo the last group of commands which was previously undone.


public void addUndoListener(UndoListener l)
Register a listener with this object.


public java.lang.String getUndoCaption()
Return the caption for an undo button. This caption is obtained from the leader of the next group to be undone.


public java.lang.String getRedoCaption()
Return the caption for a redo button. This caption is obtained from the leader of the next group to be redone.


public void removeUndoListener(UndoListener l)
Unregister a listener with this object.


protected void fireUndoStateChanged()
Notify all listeners of a change to the undo state.