saveFile(File) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.actions.FileSaveAction
Called for the file selected by the user.
SelectionGroup - Class in be.ugent.caagt.swirl
Acts like a button group with associated single selection model.
SelectionGroup() - Constructor for class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.SelectionGroup
Create a selection group with a newly created single selection model and no buttons.
SelectionGroup(boolean) - Constructor for class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.SelectionGroup
Create a selection group with a newly created single selection model and no buttons.
SelectionGroup(SingleSelectionModel, boolean) - Constructor for class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.SelectionGroup
Create a selection group with the given model.
selectionModel - Variable in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.actions.SingleSelectionAction
SelectOnFocusGained - Class in be.ugent.caagt.swirl
Focus listener which automatically selects the contents of a text component when it gains focus.
set(int, E) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.lists.ArrayListModel
setActionCommand(String) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.tables.TableColumnButton
Set the action command for this button.
setBorderSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.lists.DefaultCellListCellRenderer
Set the color which is used to draw the focus indicator.
setCellHeight(int) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.lists.CellList
Set the height of a grid cell.
setCellRenderer(CellListCellRenderer) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.lists.CellList
Set the cell renderer.
setCellSize(int, int) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.lists.CellList
Set width and height of a grid cell.
setCellWidth(int) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.lists.CellList
Set the width of a grid cell.
setCentralComponent(JComponent) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.dialogs.SimpleDialog
Add the central component to the dialog.
setCollapsed(boolean) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.subwindows.Subwindow
Change the 'collapsed' state of this window.
setColumnIndex(int) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.tables.TableColumnButton
setColumnIndex(int) - Method in interface be.ugent.caagt.swirl.tables.TableColumnDecoration
Called to indicate that this decoration has been associated with the given table column.
setColumnIndex(int) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.tables.TableColumnIcon
setDescription(String) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.actions.Description
(Re)initialize this object based on the given description string.
setDragEnabled(boolean) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.lists.CellList
Indicate whether dragging on this component should be enabled.
setDragHandler(DragHandler) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.dnd.LocalTransferHandler
Install a drag handler.
setDropTarget(DropTarget) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.lists.CellList
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.undoredo.UndoRedoAction
Enables/disables the action and changes the caption accordingly.
setFont(Font) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.lists.DefaultCellListCellRenderer
Set the font used for the caption.
setForeground(Color) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.lists.DefaultCellListCellRenderer
Set the color to be used for the caption.
setHorizontalWindowPadding(int) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.subwindows.Subwindow
Sets the horizontal for this subwindow.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.dialogs.SimpleDialog
Add the icon to the dialog (or remove when null}.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.lists.DefaultCellListCellRenderer
Set the icon to be displayed.
setIconBackground(Color) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.lists.DefaultCellListCellRenderer
Set the background color for icons.
setIconTextGap(int) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.lists.DefaultCellListCellRenderer
Set the gap between text and icon
setInsets(Insets) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.lists.DefaultCellListCellRenderer
Set the insets of this cell.
setInterval(int) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.ActionRepeater
Set the interval between succesive calls to ActionRepeater.doAction().
setMark() - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.undoredo.UndoManager
Put the mark at the current index position.
setMediumDisabledIcon(Icon) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.actions.SimpleAction
Set the medium size 'disabled' icon for this action.
setMediumIcon(Icon) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.actions.SimpleAction
Set the medium size icon for this action.
setModel(ListModel) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.lists.CellList
Sets a new data model and clears the selection.
setNumberOfColumns(int) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.lists.CellList
Set the number of columns to use in this list.
setPopupLevel(Level) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.logging.JListLogHandler
Set the popup log level.
setPredicate(String) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.menus.MenuBuilder
Set a predicate with the given name.
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.SelectionGroup
Set the currently selected index.
setSelection(E) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.DefaultGenericSelectionModel
setSelection(E) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.GenericSelectionGroup
Set the current selection.
setSelection(E) - Method in interface be.ugent.caagt.swirl.GenericSelectionModel
Set the current selection and notify any listeners in case of changes.
setSelectionBackground(Color) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.lists.DefaultCellListCellRenderer
Set the background color for selections.
setSelectionForeground(Color) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.lists.DefaultCellListCellRenderer
Set the text color for selections.
setSelectionModel(ListSelectionModel) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.lists.CellList
Set or change the selection model.
setSharedToggleButtonModel(ButtonModel) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.actions.SimpleAction
Set the shared button model for toggle buttons created with this action.
setSmallDisabledIcon(Icon) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.actions.SimpleAction
Set the small 'disabled' icon for this action.
setText(String) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.lists.DefaultCellListCellRenderer
Set the caption to be displayed.
setTitleBarBorderColor(Color) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.subwindows.Subwindow
Set the color to be used for the subwindow border.
setTitleBarColor(Color) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.subwindows.Subwindow
Set the color to be used for the title bar.
setTitleBarColorNoFocus(Color) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.subwindows.Subwindow
Set the color to be used for the title bar when the subwindow does not own the focus.
setTitleBarHeight(int) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.subwindows.Subwindow
Set the height of the title bar.
setTitleBarTextColor(Color) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.subwindows.Subwindow
Set the color to be used for the text in the title bar.
setTitleBarTextColorNoFocus(Color) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.subwindows.Subwindow
Set the color to be used for the text in the title bar when the subwindow does not own the focus.
setTool(MouseTool) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.mouse.MouseOverlay
Change the tool to be used by this overlay.
setVerticalWindowPadding(int) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.subwindows.Subwindow
Sets the vertical for this subwindow.
showDialog() - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.actions.FileAction
Shows the dialog appropriate for this type of file action
showDialog() - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.actions.FileOpenAction
Shows the file chooser open dialog.
showDialog() - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.actions.FileSaveAction
Shows the file chooser save dialog.
showFileExistsDialog(File) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.actions.FileSaveAction
Alert the user that a file with the chosen name already exists.
showSimpleDialog(Component, String, JComponent) - Static method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.dialogs.SimpleDialog
Show a simple modal dialog with the given panel at its center and wait for the user to respond to it.
showSimpleDialog(Component, String, JComponent, Icon) - Static method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.dialogs.SimpleDialog
Show a simple modal dialog with the given panel at its center and wait for the user to respond to it.
ShowWindow - Class in be.ugent.caagt.swirl.actions
Action that makes a particular window visible (if it was not) and brings it to the front.
ShowWindow(Window) - Constructor for class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.actions.ShowWindow
Create an action of this type for the given window.
SimpleAction - Class in be.ugent.caagt.swirl.actions
Abstract action (controller) based on an internationalized description.
SimpleAction(ResourceBundle, String, Icon, Icon, Icon) - Constructor for class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.actions.SimpleAction
Construct an action with an internationalized description string and given icons.
SimpleAction(ResourceBundle, String, Icon) - Constructor for class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.actions.SimpleAction
Construct an action with an internationalized description string and given icon.
SimpleAction() - Constructor for class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.actions.SimpleAction
Make a simple action which is not really different from an AbstractAction.
SimpleDialog - Class in be.ugent.caagt.swirl.dialogs
Simple dialog window consisting of three different components: A central panel, provided by the client.
SingleSelectionAction - Class in be.ugent.caagt.swirl.actions
Simple action which selects a given index in a SingleSelectionModel.
SingleSelectionAction(SingleSelectionModel, int, ResourceBundle, String, Icon, Icon, Icon) - Constructor for class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.actions.SingleSelectionAction
Construct an action of this type with an internationalized description string and given icons.
SingleSelectionAction(SingleSelectionModel, int, ResourceBundle, String, Icon) - Constructor for class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.actions.SingleSelectionAction
Construct an action of this type with an internationalized description string and given icon.
SMALL_DISABLED_ICON - Static variable in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.actions.SimpleAction
The action key used for storing a small 'disabled' Icon for use in menus.
StandardButtons - Class in be.ugent.caagt.swirl
Helper class which allows creation of 'standard' buttons (OK, Cancel, ...) with captions and mnemonics retrieved from the user interface manager.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.ActionRepeater
Listens to changes in the state of the button to which this object is registered.
Subwindow - Class in be.ugent.caagt.swirl.subwindows
Wraps a child component into a small `window' with a title bar.
Subwindow(JComponent, boolean) - Constructor for class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.subwindows.Subwindow
Create a new subwindow which displays the given child component.The name of the child conmoponent is used as the caption of the title bar of this window.
SubwindowListener - Interface in be.ugent.caagt.swirl.subwindows
Listens to changes in the state of a subwindow.
SwirlUtilities - Class in be.ugent.caagt.swirl
General Swing or SWIRL related methods.
SwirlUtilities() - Constructor for class be.ugent.caagt.swirl.SwirlUtilities